Update Firmware with UpgCePrn

Update Firmware with UpgCePrn

Download the firmware upgrade file from the printer's product page found at http://www.customamerica.com

(You will need to register for the Custom America website if you have not already)

*If the printer is a My3 or MyPrinter, you will need to enter USB mode through the printer setup (Hold LF while powering on the device, then change "Interface" to USB or USB/RS232)

Instructions to upgrade firmware:

  1. Install and run UpgCePrn
  2. Click [Select (*.psw)]
  3. Browse to the firmware file ending in .PSW that you have downloaded
  4. Click [Begin Upgrade]
  5. Select USB or the COM port the printer is attached to
  6. Follow the prompts to complete the upgrade

If you are asked by UpgCePrn to update the bootloader, download also the bootloader file from the printer product page

Instructions to upgrade bootloader:

  1. Run UpgCePrn
  2. Click [Select bootloader (*.bsw)]
  3. Browse to the firmware file ending in .BSW that you have downloaded
  4. Click [Begin Upgrade]
  5. Select USB or the COM port the printer is attached to
  6. Follow the prompts to complete the upgrade
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